Hello everybody!
Welcome to my little slice of paradise!
I love creating with glass and my customers are simply awesome!
Thank you, thank you, Thank you! This year has been so amazing for studioTica - I am humbled! Thank you! Thank you for continuing to invite my little creations into your home and lives!
Do you have a custom order or request? I would love to work with you to create something special for your small intimate wedding to large corporate events. Please use the Contact me form to start the conversation!
Website vision: My long-term vision is to provide my glass a beautiful website. Fortunately, I have been overwhelmed with handmade glass swizzle sticks orders! Please be patient - when life slows down a bit, I promise I will expand this site to provide more information about me, my art, where it is being sold or exhibited, all the people involved in my growing business, and how it is created. Eventually I will add an e-commerce solution 🙂 where I can better list my one-of-a kind glass pieces (bowls, plates, platters), seasonal items (Christmas, Hanukkah, St. Patrick's Day, Valentine, Mother's Day, Patriotic, etc.).
In the meantime, please visit my marketplaces and storefronts on:
Etsy + Amazon Handmade (with Prime options!) + Walmart